Mastille is a nation formed by pilgrims who were expelled, and deported from Yttribia, before the eventual unification of the nation, in what was then the Vauchelois Republique (Vauchelite Republic), for their religious beliefs. After settling near the Esportivan nation of New Sideburn, all was relatively peaceful until riots erupted during the fifty-fifth Baptism of Fire, destroying Mastille as they knew it, and eventually leading to a migration to Atlantian Oceania, and their eventual settling on an island off the coast of Azeruia, to the northwest of Farfadillis.
Since Mastille is essentially a city-state, most of the nation has been urbanized, however a piece of Mastille has been conserved as Erifoge Park, with beautiful rolling hills, and various squirrels. Erifoge Park is open to the public, except for the northwestern part of the park, in order to keep the natural habitat in that area safe and secure. Most of Mastille is at sea level, barring Erifoge Park, and Verbiesles, both of which have rolling hills.
As most citizens of Mastille are descendants from the Vauchelois, they are ethnic Yttribians. However, because of their hatred for Yttribia, they prefer to call themselves ethnic Vauchelois to show their mended relation with the region. The average lifespan of a Mastillean citizen is of 84 years old, with women outnumbering the men by around 80,000, or 0.01% of the population, which is eight million.
Mastille is a federal republic, formed up by several parishes in the city-state, which comprises a unicameral parliament. Five councillers from the eight parishes are elected every three years to form the forty member Chamber of Deputies. The political parties in Mastille are various, with parties from both sides of the spectrum are represented in the Chamber of Deputies. Every parish also has a ten person council, working on simpler issues, such as smoking on pavements, and other simple stuff
Freedoms and Rights
While Mastille isn't necessarily the most accepting of godforsaken people, they do tolerate them. LGBT rights are recognized, and they are given the freedom to marry. Mastille is also a leader in economic freedoms, supporting free trade. All Mastilleans, or Mastii, are given suffrage at the age of 17, with the age of consent. Welfare is non-existant in Mastille.
Quick Reference
Official Name: The Federal Republic of Mastille Conventicle Name: Mastille Capital: Mastille Largest Parish: Westerhedge Official Language: English Recognized Languages: French, Mastillean Denmonym: Mastillean, Mastii
Head of State: Germain Stenet Head of Government: Caprice Smedley Government: Unicameral parliament Unicameral House: Chamber of Deputies |
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