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Nuclear Testing
Posted: Apr 7 2005, 12:08 PM
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The waters rushed to the shore of the tiny island. The palm trees swayed gently with every whistle of the wind. The rocks glistened with ocean spray as the tide beat upon them gently. A few birds flew overhead searching the shores for unsuspecting crabs or for a fish to jump up within reach. The serenity of the moment only interrupted by the distance drawl of rocket engines.

The tiny little island lay about 200 miles off the coast of Abattoir, and was known to be completely uninhabited. The missle approached the groun. Gravity adding to its descent it seemed to stall for a second nearly 100 feet above ground. The explosion seemed to rock the earth, much comparitable to an earthquake. The blinding light seemed to evaporate everything it consumed, as the smoke billowed into the clouds.

The frightening sight of the explosion did not even compare to the devastation that remained of the island. A portion had broken off and slipped into the sea, leaving nothing but a few chunks of earth tipping above the water. The birds were gone. Palms trees, vanished. The ocean churned in what seemed as pain as the water retreated to and from the wasteland, seemingly afraid to touch the ruin. The pictures taken from satellite would be sent back to administration, to show the power of the weapons in which there was numerous stock.

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Apr 7 2005, 12:21 PM
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Apr 7 2005, 12:33 PM
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"Missile Launch detected!"

Sirens sounded and ballistic technicians leapt into action at their stations. All was chaos as the Starblaydi Strategic Defence Headquaters was put on immediate high alert. Across the nation, soldiers plain and decorated alike would be roused into action.

"It's from Abattoir!" yelled the fastest analyst in the room.

"Trajectory... westbound!" yelled another. "Lamoni perhaps?"

"No!" came the reply from across the room, "It's heading for the ocean!"


"Holy moly!" yelled one of the seismologists as his printout went crazy, "do you see this? It's an earthquake off the coast of Abattoir!"

"That's no earthquake," the other man said with a deadly stare, "that was a nuclear weapon."
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Posted: Apr 7 2005, 03:55 PM
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As Lamonian defense networks noted the launch of a nuke from Abattoir, the Lamonian military instantly was alerted, and went to DEFCON 3. In the Presidential Palace, sirens sounded, and President Stone was taken abord his Presidential Plane; which lifted off and circled around the capitol as reports came in.

"It looks like Abattoir shot a nuke at a small island, sir. Unless it was some kind of test, I can't imagine what they were targeting the island for." This was coming from an Air Force Major.

"Never assume, Major. Though, if it is a test, it was clearly done to rattle the cages of every other nation in AO. Otherwise, they would have publicized it, one would hope." President Stone was calming down some after the shock of being taken from the Presidential Palace under a nuclear alert.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 8 2005, 03:13 AM
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Official Statement from Chacorian Ministry of Atlantian Oceanian Affairs

The Chacorian Government does not condone any nuclear activities, and severely condemns the Abattoir government for launching its nuclear weapon. A slight tremor was picked up in Chacor; that is how powerful the weapon was, and is. As of now, Chacor is cutting off all ties with Abattoir, and urges other nations to do the same. We, for our own safety, cannot accept this.
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Posted: Apr 8 2005, 04:56 AM
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Official Statement from Chacorian Ministry in Abattoir

It is advised for all citizens of the region to ignore the earlier release from the Ministry of AO Affairs. It was a mistaken statement, released by a Ministry employee while drunk. The employee has had his job terminated, and the Chacorian Government fully apologises to the Abattoiran government, whom we consider a good friend and trusted UN delegate. We must reiterate that that was a mistaken statement, and that no ties were cut. However, we have passed on to the Abattoiran authorities our condemnation of the nuclear test, for the good of Atlantian Oceania it cannot be accepted.
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Posted: Apr 8 2005, 05:40 AM
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President Smith: "Who are all those people outside?"

Unnamed helper: "Protesters, sir."

President Smith: "Protesters? What have I messed up now?"

Unnamed helper: "Nothing sir. They're anti-nuclear protesters."

President Smith: "Anti-what?"

Unnamed helper: "Well, Abattoir have done some nuclear testing on an island 200 miles of their own coast."

President Smith: "And..."

Unnamed helper: "Well, Abattoir's coastline isn't all that far from Druida's coastline. They're not best pleased that you didn't try to stop them."

President Smith: "But I didn't know they were going to do it!"

Unnamed helper: "Exactly! So you go out there and tell them all."

President Smith: "Alright then, I will!"

- - - - - - - - - - -

President Smith (to crowds): "People of Druida. I understand your concern at the news of Abattoir's nuclear testing, and I can see that you are also angry towards us, but we must let it be known that we at the Druidan government knew nothing of these tests until they happened. Let it be known that we do not take such actions in such relative proximity to our homeland seriously... sorry, lightly. We must condemn Abattoir for the possible damage they could cause to teh people and wildlife along the west coast of Druida. Thank you.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Apr 8 2005, 07:10 AM
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General Harris stood, waiting for an order from the President. The general's patience was known to be thin and it seemed that President Tariskany just liked to test it.

"Well General, how did the fish react?" The President laughed at his own joke, for he knew well what the General had ready to tell him.

"As you know sir, the testing went off without a hitch. The island nearly capsized after the blast, and all reports indicate that the missle landed within a couple yards of the designated target."

The President stared at him awaiting the remainder of the news. Harris noticed his anticipation, and cleared his throat.

"Well, initial reports show that many nations within the region condemn..."

"Of course they do General, that was known well before we decided to conduct the testing. Now, scurry off and come back when you have something of more interest to tell me.

Harris wheeled around and gave his customary salute, leaving the building. Tariskany just grinned and turned on his television.

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Apr 8 2005, 07:27 AM
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Apr 8 2005, 07:59 PM
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Official statement of the Free Republic of Lamoni

The government of the Free Republic condems the nuclear test performed by the Nation of Abattoir. This unannounced test caused a daylong DEFCON 3 stint by the Lamonian military, and President Stone was taken to safety as per Lamonian Nuclear Protocol. The government of the Free Republic does not condone nuclear activities, especially by autocratic nations such as Abattoir. Our condemnation of the nuclear test has been passed on to Abattoirian authorities, and the Free Republic shall keep watch on the situation until it is finished to our satisfaction.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 8 2005, 10:09 PM
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*Au'Marui was in his office, going over some paperwork, when his Joint Chief, General Hathaway, stepped into his office*

Gen. Hathaway: Sir, I have some dire news.

Au'Marui: Go on.

Gen. Hathaway: It appears that the Abattoirians have set of a nuclear explosion over a small island just off their coast.

Au'Marui: That is indeed sad news. Were there any human lives lost in this action?

Gen. Hathaway: No sir, as far as we can tell the Island was uninhabited. However, several species of birds and lizards unique to that Island have been lost.

Au'Marui: Sad, sad indeed. What has been the responce from our Allies?

Gen. Hathaway: They are all sending out condemnations for this action. I suggest we do the same

Announcer: Please stand by from this Message from the Chancellor of the Commonwealth of the New Atlantians.

Au'Marui: Good evening fellow country men and women. As you no doubt have heard by now, Abbatoir has launched their first nuclear test on an island of their coast. Although no human lives were lost, the ecological damage to that region is vast and irreversible. I wish to make it clear that we do not condone in any way Nuclear Testing or Nuclear Arms. We have sent a letter to the Abbatoirian Capitol stating our condemnation of their acts. I need not remind you that with their region so close to our Atlantis, any action over there will spill over to our region. That is why we have entered the FLMS with our allies over in the AO. I can only hope it doesn't come to this, but if need be, I am willing to take any, and I mean any, action to defend The Commonwealth of the New Atlantians and Atlantis as a whole. Thank you and good night.

Announcer: This has been a message from the Chancellor of th eCommonwealth of the New Atlantians.
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Posted: Apr 10 2005, 05:34 PM
Though located far from the detonation, along with potential harmful consequences except that of future use, a sustained flurry of activity was noted in select defence establishments along with the launch of missile interceptor aircraft. This alert will be continuing until comment is received from Abattoir, the Foreign Commissary expressed the disappointment of the Executive Committee Chairman in that no warning of the test had been received and that should future tests occur they might well be mistaken for more overtly destructive actions instead of mere tests.

The Chairman also acknowledged that AO affairs were their own except for the fact that some steps had been made in developing regional level relations, the Chairman expressed a desire to continue developments.
Tom Joad
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Posted: Apr 10 2005, 06:39 PM
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"Um, Quaestor?"

"Yes, son?" Quaestor Fursifio turned to his young Intelligence Officer.

"Is Abattoir actually allowed to test that nuke?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well," the young officer explained, "U.N. nations are discouraged from using nuclear weapons and such. It's not expressley forbid to test nuclear weapons, but its certainly not, kosher, as it were."

"An interesting point, son," Kevan Fursifio said, he'd been saying things like that a lot since becoming acting-Chief Quaestor since Lady Viannor went on her Assington mission, "I'm sure those U.N. dickwads will bring it up at some point."
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Posted: Apr 10 2005, 09:10 PM
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::What was that?::
::It was a nuclear test by Abbotir... blew an island to bits.::
:: Oh. Well, thats interesting. Are they releasing a press report?::
::Not that we've seen. I think they're just showing off.::
::Yeah.... too bad we can't test ours, the energy output would be too noticable.::
::How many of those do we have by the way? Last time I saw it was around 12 stations.::
::It's up to about 45 now.::

*The room was silent as this conversation was occuring; the two beings conversing have no vocal arrangements.*

OOC: My race is officially based off of the Protoss race in Star Craft. RP to be coming soon, i actually started today but -explicitive removed-ed up and it d'ted it.

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Apr 10 2005, 09:10 PM
Holy Saints
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Posted: Apr 11 2005, 09:11 PM
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Chairman Warzycha sat in his chair, pondering once again. He'd had a very good week, all told, but one thing was still playing on his mind.

What was Tariskany trying to achieve? Was it to instil fear? To test their defences? Were they geting ready to attack, and if so, who? The Chairman was certainly glad at this point that he was not...out of favour with the Abattoirians.

Warzycha could take it no longer. He picked up the phone, and dialled.

"Ah, President Tariskany, it's been too long! See you've had a bit of trouble with this nuclear test thing. Anything we can do for you?"
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Apr 12 2005, 05:48 AM
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After this unexpected nuclear treat, the Confederacy of Latao feels the need again to start its own nuclear program. We reserve the right to contact Starblaydia to re-launch negotations on a technoligy & material transfer.
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Posted: Apr 12 2005, 11:46 AM
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"All this fuss over a little explosion. Set up a news conference, I suppose we should respond to the concerns of other nations and their statements."

The General had been staring at a woman changing clothes across the street and was hardly paying attention to anything the President said. Noticing such, Tariskany reached into his desk and pulled out his .45 caliber and whizzed a shot out past the General's head. Falling out of his chair, he bumped his head on the President's desk.

Rubbing his wound, he inquired "What was that Mr. President? I was pondering over the security situation in Rendition and just completely tuned you out."

"Yes, whatever you say General. Set me up a news conference, now please."
Pinprick of Apathy
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